DLA Piper has assisted with the sale of G.R.A.S. Sound & Vibration A/S (“GRAS”) to Battery Ventures

20 Feb 2020

GRAS was founded in 1994 and is a global company highly specialized within acoustic-measurement microphones. GRAS develops and manufactures measurement microphones and related equipment to customers within the fields of aerospace, automotive, audiology and consumer electronics. GRAS is a worldwide leader and is represented by subsidiaries in China, UK and US, and by distributors in more than 40 countries. The operations of GRAS will continue to be based in Denmark and the company’s executive team will remain in place. To learn more about GRAS, click here
Battery Ventures is a global, technology-focused investment firm that makes venture-capital and private equity investments. GRAS will work alongside with the US-based company Audio Precision, acquired by Battery Ventures in 2018. 
The seller was advised by DLA Piper Denmark by a team consisting of Karsten Pedersen, Sara Schjørring and Per Kristiansen. 
The press release can be found here.